Sky, air, space. Always the man looked up to find the meaning of his presence on the planet. Heaven has always been the place that has inspired humanity to recreate its greatest dreams. From myth to the invention of the plane, heaven remained the final frontier of man’s desire to conquer the unknown.

As the child who dreamed of conquering the heavens, I became a pilot. I remember the greatest emotion of all the experiences of the flight. The first flight alone, like the flight pioneers, is the magic moment where, finally, as men, we overcome with thought our physical inability to rise up into the heavens. I remember that I felt all the greatness of the story that preceded me in my hands, shouted of the emotion and was crossing the skies, far from any other human being like never before. He flew alone and realized the dream of a child, the dream of man.

I flew and toured Colombia through the air, I knew its landscapes, its cities. Man always knew the world around him from the ground. He built his cities from his own measure. But only from above is known the greatness of what is done by men. Only from above when we fly over a city can we understand our incredible ability to modify the landscape. To convert the indifferentiable of the natural world into a known reference. Something that places us within the hostile world of primitive nature. We refer to our place through a reference point. Being near or far, inside or outside, we can actually inhabit the world upon which we were cast as a natural race. And this is an architectural gesture and the true meaning of dwelling. I understood this from the sky.

After hours flying through clouds, accompanied by winds, rain and other air phenomena, I realized that the dream of flying is a magical, primordial and childlike dream. From the air I understood that the meaning of our presence on earth is to inhabit. Living in the world gives us meaning, puts us in our place in the world. Now the search changed completely of scenery, was already faced with a new world, stood in front of the inhabited man. Now he wanted to live and for that he should be an architect.


Piloto, arquitecto, artista y creador audiovisual. Con 20 años de experiencia en la producción audiovisual en diversos trabajos en el Cine, Tele-Novelas, Documentales o Comerciales, a explorado los límites de habitar las imágenes. A través de esta búsqueda ha trabajado en espacios virtuales y en la construcción y diseño de arquitectura efímera. Además de estudios en estética es graduado de la Maestría en artes plásticas y visuales de la Universidad Nacional, en donde ha empezado a explorar la producción artística por medio de explorar el espacio como materia plástica, así como los rasgos de cielo y de lo celesteque evoca su pasado como piloto comercial. Amplios conocimientos en diseño, y líder de sus equipos de trabajo. Actualmente esta trabajando en un proyecto doctoral, que investiga la manera de crear un sustento ético basado en algoritmos; que permitan a la IA (Inteligencia artificial), explorar el arte y la creación como límite de la experiencia humana.