
Thinking Space

Notes about Architectural thinking

When we ask for the habit of man we will always have to refer to the physical fact of architectural construction. It is this fact that determines our dwelling. Architecture has always been in the line that divides the art of science. It can be seen as an artistic object; Which expresses the interiority of a subject at a point in history or as a process of planning and construction. But in any case the question of dwelling is much more complex and behind it is hidden the true essence of man. How I answered this question is present in the course of my architectural project. The passage of time was changing not only the architectural form of my designs but also the content of what I wanted to express with my architecture. In a certain way my entrance to the world of architecture was marked by the interest in understanding the current form of architecture. My first projects, they tried to surpass the knowledge of the historical and to land in the form that was fashionable. An ephemeral architecture that I saw in the magazines and that was simply the manifestation of an avid mind of knowledge that struggled to answer the question of dwelling.


Sure, that’s naif from me. Study architecture to answer a question. Yes, I wanted to know what it was like to live. Knowing what meaning life has by asking primordial questions does not seem like a good idea of ​​what to do with your time. I say, work, pay bills, buy, live, in short, leaves no time to question the why of life.

In short, you never know why decisions are made that affect life but when looking back. From being a happy pilot to a student of architecture, making plans, getting up late while having the models, learning about structure, materials, construction management did not sound like a course to understand human dwelling. For whatever reasons, although my days were creative, my questions were diluted in a professional career.

But hey, the universality of the university is not bad at all. I also had history classes that opposed me from the past. Origin of architecture. And it was through these classes that in time I understood the size of my adventure. Surrounding myself in the myths of origin, the founding of Rome, in Laugier’s engravings, I gradually understood that making shoe boxes in cedritos is not what architecture intended. The rules of the market transformed the trade into a kind of expert in the spatial and ergonomic compression of the minimum acceptable for a human being to live. Square meters, minimum plants, manual of Nuefert. How did the market end up turning the world and cities into those little boxes with bathrooms and kitchens?

At that time, 1997, my workshop work was to project a home for me in a small lot. Architect’s task of solving with geometries the difficulties of a narrow lot in the city. But not only that, but it had to be the house of my dreams. As it was my house spoke of how was my inhabitant. It was close to my purpose.

But it was not just a matter of designing, of designing a house for me, for today (in 1997), but a question about the world. For that year I read the Novel Correction. By Thomas Bernhard. I was in that year obsessed with the Reading of the philosopher Luwdvig Wittgenstein, because it was that moment of life that confronts your own story, which in my case were the teachings of Sigmund Frued, that my staunch psychoanalyst mother had sown in my thinking , Which he obviously rejected.

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